Membership is available to licensed physicians and practitioners (ND, DO, MD, DC, PA, NP) who support the mission and vision of NOMA. Those who pursue the complete NOMAD certification must be active members in good standing. Being a member of NOMA in no way supersedes local jurisdiction regarding scope of practice or rights to perform the interventions taught by this organization.

Membership Benefits
Supporting our privileges to treat patients with this powerful, non surgical and natural medicine.
Immediate access to members only closed Facebook group to discuss topics and cases with other members and experts
Listing in member directory and access to our referral community
4 hours of CE per year at no cost*
Voting rights and potential to run for board membership
Cost: $250
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Diplomate Track: NOMAD
Learn More Here
NOMA is committed to developing excellence within the field through our Diplomate designation.
See below for the general structure.
We will be launching and taking applications for the NOMAD in 2024.

Shared practice templates (descriptions that can be used as marketing materials, consent and charting templates, etc)
Compliance discussion from industry insiders and thought leaders
Practice building resources
Residency standardization and guidelines
Coming Soon!
*dates, topics and presenters subject to change, but CE hour allocation will be available
Additional Membership Benefits